Tips Memilih Virtual Office yang Sesuai Dengan Kebutuhan | Virtual Office Jakarta

Dengan semakin berkembangnya zaman dan perubahan gaya hidup serta culture bekerja, semakin banyak pula penawaran yang diberikan untuk membantu mengembangkan bisnis juga jasa. Selain banyak pilihan coworking space menjadi tempat kerja, ada juga virtual office yang juga merupakan ruang kerja virtual atau maya, tanpa adanya ruang secara fisik. 

Bagi anda yang sedang mempertimbangkan ruang kerja seperti virtual office yuk simak beberapa ulasan tips dalam memilih virtual office di Jakarta


Hal utama yang anda pikirkan dalam mencari virtual office, pastinya lokasi. Lokasi virtual office sangat mempengaruhi kredibilitas bisnis anda. Pilihlah virtual office yang terletak di area Jakarta CBD (Central Business District), seperti area Sudirman atau Thamrin sehingga tidak ada keraguan oleh pihak luar / client anda saat melihat lokasi atau alamat bisnis anda. 


Setelah anda memilih lokasi virtual officesaatnya anda membandingkan harga dengan virtual office lain. Tentunya banyak sekali pilihan virtual office di Jakarta Pusat yang memudahkan anda dalam mencari yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan maupun dengan budget anda. Dapat dilihat juga dengan harga yang diberikan tersebut, fasilitas apa sajakah yang anda dapat dengan harga yang diberikan. 


Umumnya, virtual office menawarkan fasilitas receptionist, telepon, alamat, kepengurusan legalitas, layanan surat-menyurat atau paket sampai pada ruangan meeting yang dapat menunjang urusan bisnis anda. 

Avenue8 Offices menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas kantor yang lengkap seperti Meeting Room, Workspaces, dll (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Avenue8 Offices menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas kantor yang lengkap seperti Meeting Room, Workspaces, dll (Source: Avenue8 Offices)


Sebagai perusahaan yang baru merintis, pasti anda membutuhkan layanan legalitas atau surat perizinan dan lainnya. Demi menunjang bisnis anda, pastikan virtual office yang anda cari juga menangani layanan legalitas tersebut. 


Setiap virtual office pasti memiliki syarat dan ketentuan yang berbeda. Pastikan syarat dan ketentuan yang diberikan dapat anda pahami, telaah dan disepakati bersama. 


Tidak hanya di coworking space, virtual office juga terkadang menyelenggarakan event bisnis untuk kemajuan bisnis mereka. Cek dan sepakati dengan management virtual office tersebut agar dapat menyediakan juga tempat untuk event. 

Nah! Itu dia 6 tips untuk memilih virtual office. Anda siap untuk menentukan pilihan?  Untuk anda yang masih kesulitan memilih ruang kantor atau virtual office, boleh visit Avenue8 Offices di Jakarta Pusat. Lokasi yang strategis juga menunjang keperluan bisnis anda. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contactus for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDailySocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Jenis Bisnis Yang Tidak Diizinkan untuk Virtual Office | Virtual Office Jakarta

Layanan Kantor Virtual Office telah berkembang pesat di Jakarta dalam 2-3 tahun terakhir. Ini karena dukungan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menumbuhkan kewirausahaan local dan sector pemula. Pemerintah Indonesia mewajibkan semua perusahaan memiliki alamat bisnis untuk memasukkan perusahaan-perusahaan dengan kewajiban terbatas. Namun, untuk menghemat biaya, banyak startup dan usaha kecil beroperasi di area perumahan atau di gedung yang tidak dikategorikan untuk penggunaan komersial. Kantor Virtual Office telah sangat membantu dalam membantu startup dan bisnis baru mendirikan perusahaan mereka karena menyediakan pengusaha dengan pilihan yang terjangkau untuk mencapai alamat bisnis yang mereka butuhkan untuk menggabungkan perusahaan mereka.

Namun, tidak semua perusahaan diizinkan menggunakan kantor virtual office. Secara umum, perusahaan yang memerlukan lisensi bisnis tambahan (selain SIUP) tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan Kantor Virtual Office untuk domisili perusahaan mereka. Harap konfirmasi dengan penasihat hukum / notaris Anda untuk lebih yakin!

Berikut adalah sektor bisnis yang tidak diizinkan menggunakan kantor virtual office:

Jasa Konstruksi

Perusahaan yang beroperasi di layanan konstruksi tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kantor virtual office. Ini terutama karena perusahaan-perusahaan di sector konstruksi diharuskan untuk mengajukan perizinan tambahan seperti PKP (perusahaan kena pajak) dan SIUJK (Surat Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi); Lisensi ini biasanya mengharuskan perusahaan untuk memiliki ruang fisik yang memadai untuk melakukan bisnis mereka, mak domisili kantor virtual tidak akan cukup.


Perusahaan yang beroperasi di sector pariwisata juga memerlukan lisensi bisnis tambahan, yaitu Tanda Daftar Usaha Pariwisata (TDUP). Lisensi ini mensyaratkan bahwa bisnis perlu beroperasi di luar ruang fisik.


Beroperasi di sektor property biasanya melibatkan sejumlah besar modal. Karenanya pemerintah tidak mengizinkan bisnis di sector property beroperasi di luar kantor virtual.

Penyelenggara Acara / Event Organizer

Penyelenggara acara memikul tanggung jawab perencanaan dan pelaksanaan suatu acara. Selain itu, penyelenggara acara juga diharuskan untuk berhubungan dengan banyak kepentingan seperti katering, tempat acara, dll. Oleh karena itu, untuk melindungi semua kepentingan yang terlibat. penyelenggara acara diharuskan untuk beroperasi di ruang fisik.

Jika perusahaan Anda termasuk dalam salah satu dari kategori ini, jangan khawatir! Di sini, di Avenue8, kami juga menawarkan berbagai paket Kantor Pribadi yang dapat digunakan untuk domisili perusahaan Anda. Peraturan terus diperbarui oleh pemerintah. Itu selalu merupakan praktik yang baik untuk berkonsultasi dengan penasihat hukum / notaris Anda untuk pembaruan terbaru!

Source: Smart Legal  




Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contactus for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDailySocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Kerja di Coworking Space vs Café | Coworking Space Jakarta Pusat

Suasana dan tempat kerja seperti tradisional office sudah menjadi momok bagi sebagian perusahaan terlebih khusus entrepreneur, freelancer dan para pelaku bisnis lainnya. Ide itu bisa didapatkan dimana saja, tapi suasana kerja yang nyaman pastinya bisa membantu mood bahkan meningkatkan kreatifitas lebih baik.

Café atau coffee shop dengan WiFi yang cepat pun biasanya jadi sasaran para digital nomads untuk bekerja. Namun belakangan kehadiran coworking space di Jakarta pun juga dilirik.

Apa sih coworking space itu?

Secara garis besar, konsep coworking space Jakarta Pusat adalah berbagi ruang kerja dengan orang lain. Sifatnya transparan, bukan sebuah kubikal atau ruangan private yang hanya untuk anda atau pun perusahaan anda sendiri. Orang-orang yang bekerja di coworking space Jakarta juga biasanya dari berbagai kalangan.

Tentunya fasilitas yang disediakan juga cukup lengkap seperti meja kerja dan kursi, colokan listrik di berbagai sudut, WiFi berkecepatan tinggi, mesin photocopy, printer, scanning dan sampai free flow air mineral, kopi dan teh.

Coworking space di avenue8 offices

Coworking space di avenue8 offices

Coworking space VS Café di Jakarta Pusat

Begitu banyaknya coworking space dan café yang berkembang di area Jakarta CBD (Central Business District) karena melihat perkembangan yang juga signifikan terhadap perekonomian maupun pelaku bisnis.

Jakarta Pusat yang menjadi pusatnya perkembangan pelaku bisnis dan pusat metropolitan di Jakarta ini memiliki banyak sekali coworking space dan café atau coffee shop.

Apa saja sih yang menjadi pertimbangan para pelaku bisnis atau entrepreneur dalam memilih ruang kerja yang fleksible seperti coworking space atau café dan coffee shop?


Biasanya nih, anda mencari coffee shop atau café dengan harga minuman yang ‘ekonomis’ ditambah wifi dan bekerja seharian.Buat kerja seharian, bisa jadian dan memesan total 2 – 3 minuman untuk seharian. Di Avenue8 Coworking Space, anda cukup sekali bayar dan bisa menikmati semua fasilitas seharian!

Tempat yang cozy dan kondusif

Untuk yang sering kerja di café, mereka pilih kerja disana karena tempatnya yang mendukung buat kerja. Padahal, di café itu tingkat keberisikannya tinggi dan mengganggu konsentrasi anda dalam bekerja. Sedangkan di coworking space, anda akan dikelilingi dengan orang – orang yang juga bekerja dan otomatis bisa meningkatkan keseriusan anda untuk bekerja. Selain itu, Produktifitas kamu juga bisa makin meningkat!

Networking Lebih Luas

Salah satu hal yang tidak bisa didapat dari kerja di café adalah mendapatkan networking. Di coworking space,anda akan bekerja dalam satu atap bersama orang – orang yang memiliki latar belakang pekerjaan yang berbeda! Mulai dari freelancer, blogger, startups,hingga perusahaan investor.

Kesempatan untuk memperluas networking hingga dapat berkolaborasi dengan pelaku bisnis atau pekerja lainnya.

Banyaknya fasilitas

Bekerja di café tidaklah seperti yang anda bayangkan, nyaman dan memiliki banyak fasilitas. Kalau anda merasa bosan, anda tidak bisa meninggalkan meja anda atau meja anda bisa diambil orang lain.

 Berbeda dengan coworking space, anda bisa meregangkan tubuh anda melihat-lihat sekitar di coworking space Jakarta serta bercengkerama dengan para pekerja lainnya. Avenue8 Offices menyediakan free flow air mineral, kopi dan teh untuk anda yang ingin bekerja seharian di coworking space. Selain itu, jika anda ingin mencari udara segar sejenak, keluar dari gedung dan anda tidak perlu khawatir meninggalkan meja anda. Barang-barang anda bisa diletakkan di locker yang telah disediakan oleh Manajemen Avenue8 Offices karena terkunci. Selain itu, Manajemen Avenue8 Offices juga menjaga keamanan lingkungan di coworking space Jakarta Pusat dengan baik.


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDailySocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Ultimate Guide to Menteng | Menteng Neighborhood Guide

Menteng’s Old World Colonial Charm  

Nestled in the heart of Central Jakarta, Menteng have always been considered one of the most (or the most) prestigious neighborhood in Jakarta. Interestingly enough, Menteng is also the neighborhood that President Obama lived in during his childhood. Besides being the neighborhood of choice for Jakarta’s elite, Menteng is also the go-to neighborhood for the expat community. Menteng’s close proximity to Jakarta’s core CBD area, offices, embassies, and government offices, have also given rise to its vibrant restaurant of entertainment scene. 

Here are some of our favorite spots to hit in Menteng: 


One of the things that draw people to Menteng is its colonial charms. This is definitely reflected in the restaurants in the neighborhood too! If you are looking to enjoy some great Indonesian fine dining selections while soaking up Menteng’s history in a colonial-style building, be sure to check out Plataran MentengSeribu Rasa MentengBunga Rampai, or  Lara Djonggrang and Tugu Kunstkring Paleis located inside the Tugu Hotel. If you are in the mood for something more exotic, be sure to check out Ocha & Bella located in the Morrissey Hotel for its interesting take on Italian – Asian fusion dishes, the up and coming Sutestada Grill for a taste of Argentina, and the list goes on! 

Housed in an elegant colonial-style building in the heart of Jl Hos Cokroaminoto, Plataran Menteng serves authentic fine dining Indonesian food (Source: Plataran Menteng)

Housed in an elegant colonial-style building in the heart of Jl Hos Cokroaminoto, Plataran Menteng serves authentic fine dining Indonesian food (Source: Plataran Menteng)

Street Food – Cikini & Jalan Sabang

If you are not in the mood for fine dining, fret not, Menteng has a huge (and famous!) selection of street food to satisfy every taste. In the Jalan Sabang area, you have Sate Jaya Agung, Sate Sabang Pak Heri, Bubur Ayam dan Nasi Goreng Bang Roby, and Soto Ceker Ranjau Pak Gendut. In the Kebon Sirih area,  you have the uber-famous Nasi Goreng Kebon Sirih. In the Cikini area, you have Gado Gado BonBin, Soto Betawi H Ma’ruf, and Bubur Cikini HR Suleman, and the list goes on!  


Menteng is also home to many interesting cafes. One of the favorite spots if Menteng has got to be Shophaus Menteng. Shophaus Menteng is home to several homegrown F&B establishments such as NamelakaBerrywellPicolla Pizza, and Pigeon Hole Coffee. With it’s open and airy concept, it is also an extremely popular spot for youngsters to snap up some instagrammable shots. If you are looking for a more local atmosphere, be sure to also check out Kedai Tjikini for a more “quintessential Menteng” experience.  

Thanks to its chill, trendy, and insta-worthy vibes, Shophaus is a popular hangout spot  for the trendy millennial crowd of Jakarta. (Source: Team Curious)

Thanks to its chill, trendy, and insta-worthy vibes, Shophaus is a popular hangout spot for the trendy millennial crowd of Jakarta. (Source: Team Curious)


With its beautiful tree line boulevards, it is really easy to mistake the whole neighborhood of Menteng as one big park! Our favorite parks in Menteng are definitely Taman Menteng and Taman Suropati. Taman Menteng stands on an area 30 hectare with over 30 different species of plants and flowers. Equipped with facilities like playground, basketball court, jogging track and even a greenhouse, Taman Menteng is the perfect place to spend a weekend morning.  Taman Suropati, on the other hand, is Taman Menteng’s slightly quieter little sister. With its lush surroundings and romantic fountains, it is the perfect place for an afternoon walk or cycle!  

Taman Menteng stands on an area 30 hectare with over 30 different species of plants and flowers. Equipped with facilities like playground, basketball court, jogging track and even a greenhouse, Taman Menteng is the perfect place to spend a weekend m…

Taman Menteng stands on an area 30 hectare with over 30 different species of plants and flowers. Equipped with facilities like playground, basketball court, jogging track and even a greenhouse, Taman Menteng is the perfect place to spend a weekend morning. (Photo Source: Hargatiket)

Coworking Space / Serviced Office / Meeting Rooms  

Avenue8 Offices is strategically located on the 7th floor of Tamansari Parama Boutique Office,  only a short walk away from Sarinah. We are fortunate to be able to enjoy the best of both worlds --- the lush boutique feel of Menteng while being only minutes away from Jakarta’s core CBD area. We used a combination of Scandinavian and Indonesian design to create a cozy yet professional setting to help you grow your business. To further support our members, we also offer a Concierge Service to help all of our members with the distracting little things that comes in their way! We also offer flexible and affordable meeting room and event space packages to suit every business need.

Conveniently located only steps away from Sarinah and Jakarta Theatre, Avenue8 Offices provides affordable private office, virtual office, meeting room, and event space packages to suit your business needs. (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Conveniently located only steps away from Sarinah and Jakarta Theatre, Avenue8 Offices provides affordable private office, virtual office, meeting room, and event space packages to suit your business needs. (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Lastly, to our Menteng Neighbors - If you would like to be added to this list, drop us a quick note and we will add you to the list in no time! 



Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

How Virtual Offices are Helping Companies Survive The New Normal | Virtual Office Jakarta

The global COVID-19 pandemic have greatly affected the lives of millions of people worldwide. Many businesses have also been negatively affected by the global pandemic. Following the PSBB (mass social distancing) rules the Indonesian government implemented in back in March 2020, businesses are strongly urged to keep their onsite operations to a minimal level and keep most of their employees at home as much as possible  

The Covid-19 Pandemic have encouraged many companies to be more prudent in their spending.

The Covid-19 Pandemic have encouraged many companies to be more prudent in their spending.

We Maintain Business as Usual So You Can Stay at Home 

Unfortunately, not all businesses can be run from home. This is one of the reasons why most of the virtual office, serviced office, and coworking space operators in Jakarta have decided to reopen their doors ever since the government announced The New Normal scheme. On the other hand, many companies still opt to close their offices and keep their employees working at home and outsource their front office operations to a virtual office Jakarta. In the past few months, we have seen an increase virtual office subscriptions among companies that are still working from home to help maintain a professional appearance for their companies.  

Keep Operational Costs Low  

Avenue8 Offices’ virtual office packages start from Rp400,000/month to Rp 960,000/month, which is only a fraction of what companies typically pay to maintain their front desk operations. With this monthly subscription, virtual office customers will receive various services including prestigious business address, company domicile, mail handling and notifications, call handling and transfer, access to workspaces, meeting rooms and more.  

Mail Handling & Notifications

Whenever we receive a mail for your company, we will send you’re a notification via email for you to pick up. Alternatively, we can also have your mail delivered to you*, just let our team know and we will be glad to help! 

Call Handling & Transfer  

When you receive a call in the dedicated office phone number that we have set up for you, our professional receptionists will answer the call with your company name and will transfer the call to the phone number of your choice to pick up. 

Safe Meeting Rooms and Workspaces Available for Use 

When you subscribe to our virtual office Gold or Platinum package, you will also receive monthly access to our meeting rooms and workspaces. Our building maintains strict health and safety protocols to keep all our members, visitors, and staff safe. Our workspaces and facilities are also cleaned and sanitized daily for your comfort and safety.  

*Charges may apply  



Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Kesalahpahaman Umum Tentang Virtual Office | Virtual Office Jakarta

Pesatnya pertumbuhan startup dan bisnis baru di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah meningkatkan jumlah kantor virtual Jakarta, Coworking Space Jakarta, dan Serviced Office Jakarta. Dengan kenyamanan yang dimilikinya, Virtual Office Jakarta diterima dengan baik di startups. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kantor virtual telah membantu banyak startups dan perusahaan baru dalam mendirikan dan mendukung bisnis mereka. 

Apa itu Virtual Office? 

Virtual Office pada dasarnya adalah kantor fisik yang menyewakan alamat mereka ke perusahaan yang berbeda. Pada dasarnya, kantor virtual Jakarta itu seperti PO Box yang dikelola oleh tim profesional atau "front desk” yang digunakan bersama oleh banyak perusahaan. Selain mengelola surat masuk, penyedia Virtual Office Jakarta juga menyediakan layanan lain mengelola panggilan telepon, mengirimkan pemberitahuan surat  layanan pendirian perusahaan, dan layanan domisili perusahaan yang diperlukan untuk pendaftaran perusahaan di Indonesia. Virtual office di Jakarta sebagian besar terletak di daerah CBD dan memiliki alamat prestis yang diinginkan diinginkan untuk startup dan usaha kecil.

Kesalahpahaman Umum Tentang Virtual Office

Menyewa Virtual Office sama dengan menyewa Kotak Pos 

Salah! Menyewa virtual office Jakarta jelas memiliki manfaat lebih daripada menyewa PO Box. Dengan  virtual office Jakarta, Anda akan mendapatkan tim yang professional yang akan membantu Anda untuk mengelola tugas administratif seperti mail & call handling, dll. Dengan berlangganan virtual office, Anda hampir seperti memiliki tim back office support khusus, tanpa harus menambah jumlah karyawan di perusahaan Anda. Selain itu, Anda juga akan mendapatkan akses ke fasilitas yang dimiliki virtual office seperti meeting room dan coworking space untuk membantu mendukung bisnis Anda. 

Dengan berlangganan Virual Office, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan akses ke beberapa fasilitas yang dimiliki Virtual Office, seperti meeting room dan coworking area (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Dengan berlangganan Virual Office, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan akses ke beberapa fasilitas yang dimiliki Virtual Office, seperti meeting room dan coworking area (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Virtual Office hanya untuk startup dan perusahaan kecil! 

Salah! Walaupun populer di kalangan startup dan bisnis kecil yang membutuhkan alamat bisnis bergengsi, tidak ada undang-undang atau peraturan yang menyatakan bahwa kantor virtual hanya untuk startup dan perusahaan kecil. Banyak perusahaan besar di Indonesia juga mulai beralih ke kantor virtual untuk layanan domisili juga. Anda juga dapat bertanya langsung dengan Notaris atau konsultan hukum Anda untuk memastikan apakah domisili virtual office dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan di bidang usaha Anda.

Virtual Office tidak sah di Indonesia 

Salah! Banyak orang masih memiliki kesalahpahaman ini karena di tahun 2015 -2016 sempat ada peraturan dari pemeritah yang melarang perusahaan untuk menggunakan virtual office. Namun, pemerintah Indonesia dengan cepat membalikkan aturan ini setelah mengakui kontribusi virtual office untuk bisnis kecil, startups, dan ekonomi lokal di Indonesia. Kantor virtual Jakarta sangat berguna untuk usaha kecil yang tidak memiliki  alamat bisnis sendiri atau perusahaan yang masih menyewa kantor di daerah yang tidak dikategorikan untuk kegiatan komersial. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.   

As featured on: The Jakarta Post, Daily Social, Detik, Tech in Asia, and more.  

Melakukan Bisnis di Indonesia | Memulai Bisnis di Indonesia

Mengapa Memulai Bisnis di Indonesia?

Indonesia adalah pasar yang menarik bagi investor lokal maupun asing dikarenakan populasinya yang besar, pasar domestik kuat, upah yang relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga, dan lokasinya yang strategis di Asia Tenggara. Dalam upaya untuk "Make Indonesia 4.0", pemerintah juga berusaha untuk meningkatkan iklim investasi dan menerapkan kebijakan yang lebih ramah bisnis untuk menarik investor asing. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kami telah melihat peningkatan yang pesat dalam kepemilikan smartphone di antara penduduk Indonesia dan meningkatnya jumlah pekerja usia produktif yang fasih menggunakan produk digital. 

Indonesia adalah pasar yang menarik bagi investor lokal maupun asing dikarenakan populasinya yang besar, pasar domestik kuat, dan upah yang relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga.

Indonesia adalah pasar yang menarik bagi investor lokal maupun asing dikarenakan populasinya yang besar, pasar domestik kuat, dan upah yang relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga.

Bagaimana Cara Masuk ke Pasar Indonesia?

Gunakan Konsultan dan Notaris yang Terpecaya

Indonesia terkenal memiliki peraturan bisnis yang relatif rumit dan banyak pengusaha baru yang bingung menghadapi nya. Namun, jangan biarkan ini menghambat aspirasi usaha anda! Pastikan untuk menggunakan konsultan legal dan notaris yang terpecaya dalam membantu Anda mendirikan perusahaan Anda. Pilihlah konsultan legal dan notaris yang mengerti kebutuhan bisnis Anda dan dapat memberikan Anda nasehat bisnis yang tepat.

Siapkan Ruang Kerja Yang Nyaman

Pastikan untuk mendapatkan ruang kantor di Jakarta Pusat agar And bisa lebih dekat dengan aktifitas bisnis. Memiliki alamat bisnis yang terletak di gedung perkantoran bergengsi di kawasan pusat bisnis juga akan meningkatkan citra perusahaan Anda dan meningkatkan kredibilitas perusahaan Anda di mata pelanggan, supplier, calon investor, serta calon karyawan. Dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan coworking space dan serviced office di Jakarta, menyewa ruang kantor di wilayah CBD Jakarta semakin terjangkau untuk perusahaan kecil. Masih lebih suka work from home? Anda juga bisa menggunakan layanan virtual office. Dengan berlangganan layanan virtual office,  Anda bis mendapatkan akses ke fasilitas bisnis bergengsi dan juga memiliki fleksibilitas untuk bekerja di mana saja. 

Berlangganan Virtual Office adalah cara yang paling praktis dan ekonomis untuk startup dan perusahaan baru untuk memiliki alamat bisnis prestisius di pusat kota Jakarta (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Berlangganan Virtual Office adalah cara yang paling praktis dan ekonomis untuk startup dan perusahaan baru untuk memiliki alamat bisnis prestisius di pusat kota Jakarta (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Hadiri Acara Komunitas Startup 

Luangkanlah waktu untuk menghadiri seminar dan startup community events untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih luas tentang target pasar Anda. Anda juga bisa menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk  networking dengan pemilik bisnis lain dan calon investor juga! Banyak coworking space di Jakarta yang juga sering mengadakan acara networking / community event untuk mendukung perkembangan startups dan pengusaha kecil.

Bertukar Pikiran Dengan Perusahaan Venture Capital Yang Aktif di Pasar Anda

Jika Anda sudah memiliki ide atau prototipe bisnis yang sudah berjalan, carilah kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan VC dan investor yang sudah aktif di pasar yang sedang Anda jajaki untuk mendapatkan pendapat mereka tentang ide bisnis Anda. Walaupun Anda mungkin belum membutuhan pendanaan  dari venture capital,  setiap pasar memiliki keunikan tersendiri  dan tidak ada ruginya untuk bertukar pikiran dengan orang-orang yang sudah berpengalaman di pasar yang sedang Anda jajaki. Banyak Venture Capital yang secara rutin menyelenggarakan pertemuan meetups dan community events (online & offline) agar lebih mudah mendapat akses ke startup-startup yang kreatif.


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business.  

Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.   

As featured on: The Jakarta Post, Daily Social, Detik, Tech in Asia, and more.  

Meeting Room Murah Jakarta Pusat - Tamansari Parama Office Wahid Hasyim 

Ingin cari Meeting Room murah di Jakarta Pusat? Simak informasi berikut ini. 

Jakarta Pusat merupakan salah satu tempat yang paling strategis dan lengkap. Selain letaknya di pusat kota, Jakarta Pusat juga dilengkapi dengan pusat perbelanjaan, Kawasan perkantoran, Rumah Sakit ternama hingga sekolah-sekolah favorit.  Jakarta Pusat pun mudah dijangkau karena dilewati berbagai transportasi umum, sehingga memudahkan orang-orang yang memiliki bisnis ataupun bekerja di Jakarta Pusat.  Area Jakarta Pusat yang cukup padat oleh gedung-gedung pencakar langit dan banyak sekali orang-orang bekerja atau pelaku bisnis ini bernaung adalah Thamrin. Kawasan Thamrin menjadi salah satu Kawasan bisnis  yang sangat berkembang di Jakarta Pusat. 

Avenue8 Offices menyediakan paket meeting room “all in” , lengkap dengan layanan tambahan seperti Wifi, Concierge, dll.

Avenue8 Offices menyediakan paket meeting room “all in” , lengkap dengan layanan tambahan seperti Wifi, Concierge, dll.

Jika anda bekerja di di Kawasan Wahid Hasyim, Menteng ataupun di sekitaran Thamrin, dan sedang membutuhkan meeting room murah di Jakarta Pusat, anda bisa mencoba meeting room yang disediakan oleh Avenue8 Offices. Anda dapat memilih paket meeting room murah di Jakarta Pusat yang ditawarkan oleh Avenue8 Offices sesuai dengan kebutuhan meeting anda. Avenue8 Offices memiliki kapasitas meeting room mulai dari 8 orang hingga 15 orang dengan penambahan kursi tanpa dikenakan biaya tambahan lagi. 


Harga untuk setiap paket meeting room di Avenue8 Offices pun beragam. Mulai dari Rp 200.000 /jam atau Rp 1.200.000/hari untuk kapasitas 8 sampai 15 orang   Selain fasilitas meeting room, fasilitas lain yang dapat anda pakai adalah akses free WiFi, free flow air mineral, kopi dan teh. Biaya meeting Anda juga termasuk penggunaan coworking space sebelum atau sesudah meeting Anda.

Anda akan mendapatkan suasana yang nyaman dan menenangkan ketika anda mengadakan meeting di Avenue8 Offices. Dinginnya meeting room juga menjadi salah satu focus kami agar peserta meeting cukup nyaman dalam mengadakan meeting dan membahas ide ide dengan tim anda. Suasana meeting room yang simple dan minimalis dengan design Scandinavian akan sangat memaksimalkan anda dan tim dalam kemampuan berpikir serta menuangkan ide-ide kreatif anda. 


Selain fasilitas didalam ruang meeting, anda tidak perlu ragu dalam kebersihan kami. Avenue8 Offices menyediakan housekeeping untuk memberikan kenyamanan anda dalam meeting. Jika anda dan tim merasa sangat sibuk sehingga tidak dapat mengambil minuman dan makanan, anda bisa meminta housekeeping kami untuk membantu anda mengantarkan ke dalam meeting room. 

Selain itu, Avenue8 Offices juga memiliki layanan Concierge yang siap sedia membantu anda dalam hal administratif jika anda membutuhkan print, atau fotokopi. Avenue8 Offices juga memberikan kebebasan bagi anda dan tim selain meeting room. Kami memberikan akses gratis jika anda ingin bersantai atau menunggu klien anda di coworking space kami. 

For meeting room bookings at Avenue8, kindly fill up our  Online Booking Form or drop us a message on Whatsapp .  


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.   

As featured on: The Jakarta Post, Daily Social, Detik, Tech in Asia, and more.  


Meeting Room Jakarta | Manfaat Meeting Offsite | Mengapa Anda Harus Menyewa Meeting Room

Survei menunjukkan bahwa rata rata pekerja kantor menghabiskan sekitar 51% dari hari kerjanya dalam rapat. Meskipun rapat sangat penting dalam membantu perusahaan berjalan dengan lancar, penting untuk menilai produktivitas dan efektivitas meeting internal. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertemuan, banyak perusahaan, kantor pemerintah, dan organisasi di Jakarta telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menyelenggarakan meeting internal  mereka di luar kantor (offsite meeting), contohnya di hotel, meeting room Jakarta, coworking space Jakarta, dan Kantor Dinas Jakarta. 

Apa manfaat dari menyelenggarakan meeting  di luar kantor Mengapa begitu banyak perusahaan yang melakukannya? Untuk perusahaan yang memiliki kantor dan meeting room sendiri, mengapa Anda harus mengeluarkan uang tambahan untuk melakukan meeting di luar kantor? 

Peningkatan Produktivitas 

Meeting di luar kantor dapat membantu tim Anda fokus dengan lebih baik. Dengan mengadakan rapat Anda di meeting room diluar kantor Anda, tim Anda akan bisa memisahkan diri dari rutinitas sehari-hari mereka di kantor. Ini dapat membantu tim Anda fokus dan hadir sepenuhnya dalam rapat sehingga membuat meeting Anda lebih produktif. Ini sangat penting ketika Anda melakukan focus group discussion, sesi brainstorming, atau sesi pelatihan. 

Survei menunjukkan bahwa rata rata pekerja kantor menghabiskan sekitar 51% dari hari kerjanya dalam rapat.

Survei menunjukkan bahwa rata rata pekerja kantor menghabiskan sekitar 51% dari hari kerjanya dalam rapat.

Perubahan Pemandangan

Dengan mengadakan meeting di luar kantor ke meeting room external Jakarta, Anda memberikan lingkungan baru bagi tim Anda untuk bekerja. Ini dapat membantu meningkatkan semangat mereka untuk meeting dan dengan demikian meningkatkan suasana hati dan energi meeting. Ketika Anda memulai meeting dengan semangat yang tinggi, tim Anda akan mengadopsi gaya yang lebih kolaboratif ketika mencoba untuk mengatasi masalah dan konflik selama meeting sehingga meningkatkan komunikasi tim Anda 

Peningkatan Kreativitas 

Ketika Anda membawa tim Anda ke meeting room Jakarta untuk pertemuan di luar kantor, mereka dapat memisahkan diri dari rutinitas sehari-hari mereka di kantor. Ini secara otomatis mengubah suasana meeting menjadi lebih santai. Ketika suasana team lebih santai, tim biasanya lebih kreatif dan juga lebih vokal tentang ide-ide mereka. Penting untuk mencapai suasana hati yang santai ini terutama jika Anda melakukan sesi brainstorming atau tukar pikiran dengan tim Anda. Jika Anda mengadakan offsite meeting Anda di Coworking Space Jakarta yang biasanya memiliki design yang lebih contemporary dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan produktivitas - tim Anda pasti akan menyukai perubahan pemandangan ini! 


Operator meeting room di Jakarta juga bisa membantu Anda mengurus logistik meeting Anda seperti menyediakan konsumsi rapat (makanan ringan, coffee break, makan siang / makan malam),  membantu Anda mengatur ruang rapat, dan bahkan membantu Anda menjalankan tugas selama rapat. Di Avenue8, kami menawarkan paket meeting room all-in (tanpa hidden cost) untuk membantu memastikan rapat Anda berjalan dengan lancar. — Jika Anda perlu meminjam kursi tambahan, layar proyektor, atau apa pun sesuai kemampuan kami, kami berusaha untuk membantu Anda tanpa biaya tambahan! 



Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Virtual Office for Company Registration Indonesia

Following the growth of startups in Indonesia in the past few years, Virtual Offices in Indonesia have also gained a lot of popularity. Virtual Offices help startups and businesses simplify and speed up their company registration process.  

Advantages of using Virtual Office for Company Registration in Indonesia: 

1. Prestigious Business Address 

Virtual Offices in Jakarta makes it very affordable for startups and new businesses to attain a CBD business address in a prestigious office building in Jakarta. As a company that is just starting out, owing a prestigious business address can quickly boost your company image and reliability in the eyes of your clients and investors. Virtual Offices also provide the flexibility for companies to own a CBD business address, but work from anywhere thus keeping their operations low.  

2. Knowledge of Local Business Landscape 

As a local business, Virtual Office operators have deep industry knowledge and will be able to help you with any questions throughout your company incorporation process. As a virtual office operator, Avenue8 Offices also have various partnerships with experienced legal consultants who will be able to provide free consultation services to make your company incorporation process as seamless as possible.  

3. Quick and Easy 

Virtual Office operators in Jakarta makes it very easy for you to set up your virtual office. Here at Avenue8, your virtual office application process can be done purely online! Our friendly team will be able to assist you via phone, email, or Whatsapp, and make it a priority to set up your virtual office as quick as possible. 

4. Your Very Own Back Office Team, Without the Additional Headcount!  

When you rent a virtual office, you will automatically gain a professionally trained back office team that can help you with various office operations work such as mail handling, call handling and transfers, receptionist services, and help create a polished image for your new business.

5. Access to Office Facilities – Meeting Rooms & Coworking Space 

When you rent a virtual office, you will also gain access to the facilities in the virtual office location. Facilities usually include professional meeting rooms, coworking area, and work spaces.  

Can My Company Use Virtual Office?  

As a general guideline, foreign investment companies (PT PMA) and companies that require additional licensing (Eg. Construction Services, Tourism, Property, Event Organizer etc) are not allowed to use virtual offices for company incorporation purposes. If this is the case, you may also consider renting a Private Office at a Coworking Spaces / Serviced Office. Coworking Spaces and Serviced Offices make renting office spaces very affordable for startups and new companies as you are able to rent the exact amount of space you need (no per square feet!). The regulations pertaining to company registration are always changing and improving. As such, it is always good practice to check with an experienced notary or legal consultant just to be extra sure!  

What is Included in my Virtual Office Plan? 

Want to know more about our Virtual Office plans? Download our Virtual Office pricelist here, or contact us directly via Whatsapp.  



Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Coworking Space Near Sarinah, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat | Avenue8 Offices

Sarinah – The Heart of Thamrin 

As the first department store in Indonesia, Sarinah is undoubtedly an important landmark in Jakarta. With the upcoming development of the Sarinah MRT Station, Sarinah and its adjacent areas will be receiving a significant amount of improvements in the next few years. PT Sarinah (Persero) recently announced a rehabilitation plan that will revitalize and modernize Sarinah.  In addition to architecture improvements and other rebranding work, Sarinah also aim to re-curate their tenant base to include more homegrown businesses.  

Wahid Hasyim – Premier Destination for Offices and Meetings in Jakarta Pusat 

Due to its close proximity to government offices and embassies, the Wahid Hasyim area close to Sarinah remains the premier office space destination for foreign companies, NGOs, and companies that has a high degree of interaction with government offices and embassies.  In addition to that, the sheer number of meeting rooms available along Jl KH Wahid Hasyim also indicates that it is a top meeting destination in Central Jakarta, especially for government officials and NGOs.  


The Wahid Hasyim area near Sarinah has easy access to various modes of transportations (TransJakarta, KRL, MRT) and can be easily accessed from all over Jabodetabek. Unlike the core Thamrin and Sudirman areas, the Wahid Hasyim area near Sarinah is also free from odd-even restrictions which makes it extremely convenient for all office tenants and visitors.  


Coworking Space near Sarinah – Affordable Private Office & Meeting Room - Avenue8 Offices 

If you are looking to rent an office space in this area, we have some great news for you! Whenever a potential client asks us where Avenue8 Offices is located, our answer will almost always be “along Jl KH Wahid Hasyim near Sarinah.” Located in a boutique office building (Tamansari Parama) within such close proximity to an important landmark in Central Jakarta provides obvious perks for us! Located only walking distance away from Sarinah and Jalan MH Thamrin, we are tucked in the lush neighborhood of Menteng, somewhat away from the hustle and bustle but still close enough to all of the action.  


The presence of coworking spaces and serviced offices like Avenue8 Offices makes leasing an office space in a great location much more affordable and convenient for many companies. (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

The presence of coworking spaces and serviced offices like Avenue8 Offices makes leasing an office space in a great location much more affordable and convenient for many companies. (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

The presence of coworking spaces and serviced offices like Avenue8 Offices makes leasing an office space in a great location much more affordable and convenient for many companies. The private offices in coworking spaces / serviced offices are already fully furnished, equipped with the necessary infrastructure for you operate your business (phone, internet, pantry, etc), and ready for you to move in immediately!  


If you are looking to rent a meeting room, Avenue8 Offices also provides affordable hourly / daily meeting room / event space rental plans to suit your needs. Conveniently located in the heart of Central Jakarta, we are surrounded by many world class dining options that you can visit after (or in between) your meetings! Hosting a multi-day meeting? We are only a 2-minute walk away from established business hotels such as Aloft Hotel Wahid HasyimAone HotelHotel MorisseyAshley Hotel, and more!  



Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Company Domicile Letter No Longer Needed for Company Registration in Indonesia

In an effort to increase the ease of doing business in Indonesia, the head of the Jakarta Capital Investment Agency  (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal / BKPM) announced that it would stop issuing Company Domicile Letter (Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan / SKDP) and Business Domicile Letter (Surat Keterangan Domisili Usaha / SKDU) for businesses domiciled in Jakarta as outlined in SK DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta No 25 Tahun 2019 SKDP are letters that outlines a company’s domicile address that companies used to apply for business licenses, tax identification numbers, and more. The elimination of SKDP and SKDU as a prerequisite to obtaining various business licenses help shorten the time for company incorporation, thus shortening the time needed for company incorporation. 

Why Do We Still Need Virtual Offices? 

1. Business Address 

Virtual Offices is the most affordable way for companies to obtain a prestigious CBD business address. Although companies no longer need to receive a Building Domicile Letter from Virtual Office providers that was typically needed to apply for your SKDP/SKDU, businesses are still required to use a business address in a building zoned for commercial uses. In addition to that, having a prestigious business address gained through virtual office subscriptions also provide many tangible benefits for businesses – such as boosting company image, improving company’s credibility and more.  

2. Back Office Support 

When you lease a virtual office, you automatically gain a back office team that can help you with tasks such as mail handling, call handling, call transfer, receptionist service, and more. If your work is mobile, you will be rest assured to know that someone is helping you” hold down the fort” while you focus on building your business.  

3. Some Agencies Still Require Company / Building Domicile Letter 

Some agencies such as Banks still require businesses to provide a Company Domicile Letter / Business Domicile letter to set up bank accounts and various applications.  Because of that, here at Avenue8, we will still issue the Building Domicile Letter needed to apply for your Company Domicile Letter to all of our virtual office clients.  

Disclaimer: Consult with your notary / legal consultant for the latest updates and personalized advice pertaining to your business.  


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Virtual Offices? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 

Coworking Space Jakarta | Why Remote Workers Should Embrace Coworking

Many freelancers and remote workers often choose coffee shops and home offices over coworking spaces. Some of them think that the expenses that the extra office space expense is unjustifiable and some others do not see the additional value coworking space can bring to their work or business. However, many remote workers, freelancers, and researchers who have tried coworking have reported that coworking have positively impacted their business, mental health and more. If you have not given coworking a try, here are some reasons why you should:  

1. Avoid Feelings of Isolation, Loneliness, and Burnout

Many remote workers and freelancers experience loneliness and isolation which can quickly lead to burnout. When you work at a coworking space, you can meet people from various industries, participate in events organized by your coworking space, and always find people to talk to whenever you feel stuck.  

2. Grow your Network  

Companies who choose coworking spaces over any other office types usually have an inherent desire to socialize with other companies. This is a great opportunities for remote workers and freelancers to meet and socialize with other companies. Even if the cowork-ers you meet are from different industries, it is always nice to learn what they do, engage in interesting discussions and maybe get new business ideas. . It never hurts to make a new friend and you never know what you can potentially learn from them! 

3. Focus Better 

It is very easy to get distracted by a lot of things (Netflix, cooking, kids etc) when you are working from home. Working from home can also blur the line between work and life, thus overworking yourself. Having a dedicated office can help you get in the work-mode easier. Working amongst other driven individuals you find at coworking space Jakarta can also help motivate you to work more productively! 

4. Workspaces that Inspire

Coworking Spaces in Jakarta, including Avenue8 Offices, are designed to inspire and boost productivity. Many coworking spaces in Jakarta adopt contemporary designs to create a conducive work environment for their members. Coworking Spaces Jakarta come with many amenities such as meeting rooms, lounge, phone booths, printing services, fully stocked pantries to help support your office operations.  

With Coworking day passes starting from Rp 150,000/day and monthly passes starting from Rp 1,800,000/month, coworking is actually a surprisingly affordable option for entrepreneurs and freelancers!

With Coworking day passes starting from Rp 150,000/day and monthly passes starting from Rp 1,800,000/month, coworking is actually a surprisingly affordable option for entrepreneurs and freelancers!

5. It’s Actually Not That Expensive! 

Here at Avenue8, our coworking daily pass starts from Rp 150,000/day and monthly pass start at Rp 1,800,000/month (Rp 60,000/day!). Just for the price of a few cups of coffee, you can gain access to a professional workspace, free flow gourmet coffee (macchiato, espresso, latte, you name it!), tea, and mineral water, and more. If you compare this to working at a coffee shop where you might have to make a few purchases during the workday to get the right to keep working at the cafe, coworking is not expensive at all! 


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Why Working at a Coworking Space is Better than Coffee Shop | Coworking Space Jakarta

Many freelancers and entrepreneurs still have not tried coworking thinking that it is the same as working from home or working at a coffee shop or thinking it is not worth spending the money. However, there are many advantages to working at a coworking space as compared to working at a coffee shop. Here are some reasons why working at a coworking space is better than working at a coffee shop:  

1. Networking Opportunities 

Although there are a lot of freelancers and entrepreneurs who often work at coffee shops, but most people who work at coffee shops are not there to socialize with other people. On the other hand, freelancers and entrepreneurs who choose to work at coworking spaces inherently have a desire to connect with other members in the coworking space. This presents a great networking opportunity for you! 

2. Security 

Have you ever worked at a coffee shop and hold off using the restroom for hours because you do not want to leave you laptop and valuables behind? When you are working at a coworking space, this will not be a problem at all! Everyone in the coworking space pretty much knows each other and the offices are secured with CCTV surveillance. You will be able to work with a peace of mind!  

3. Boost Company Image 

Committing yourself to a coworking or private office lease shows clients that you are serious about being in the business long term. Having a well-established business address improves your credibility in the eyes of clients and customers, and help reassure clients that you will not run away once they award you with a contract! Thus, having a prestigious business address can help you clinch bigger deals thus growing your business.  

Coworking Space / Virtual Office subscription is the most convenient and economical way for companies to own a Jakarta CBD business address (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Coworking Space / Virtual Office subscription is the most convenient and economical way for companies to own a Jakarta CBD business address (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

4. Affordable Plans

Coworking Space plans are actually more affordable than you think! A coworking space daily pass in Jakarta typically only cost as much as a few cups of coffee. Plus, you will get free flow gourmet coffee (macchiato, espresso, cappuccino, latte, you name it!), tea, mineral water, and snacks! A daily pass will also give you unlimited access for the day, unlike in café where you might have to purchase a beverage from time to time within the day to secure your spot. Here at Avenue8, our coworking daily pass only cost Rp 150,000/day and our monthly pass only cost Rp 60,000/day!   

5. Still Like the Nomad Lifestyle? Set up a Virtual Office! 

If you still like the flexibility of working at different places every day, then get a virtual office to help you hold down your fort! A virtual office plan will give you access to a prestigious business address, back office support (mail & phone handling), dedicated phone number, meeting room and workspace access, and more!  


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Doing Business in Indonesia | Starting a Business in Indonesia

Why Indonesia? 

Indonesia have always been an attractive market to foreign investors due to its large population and domestic market, relatively lower wages compared to neighboring countries, and its strategic location in the region. In a bid to “Make Indonesia 4.0”, the government is also working on improving the investment climate and implementing more businesses friendly policies to attract foreign investors. In recent years, we have seen a rapid increase in smartphone ownership among Indonesians and an increasing number of digitally-savvy productive age workers. 

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with approximately 17,500 islands (Source: ArchDaily)

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with approximately 17,500 islands (Source: ArchDaily)


How to Tap Into Indonesian Market?  

1. Get a Market Entry Consultant / Notary You Can Trust 

Indonesia is notorious for having a complicated and bureaucratic regulations for foreign businesses. However, do keep your eyes on the prize and not let this obstacle hinder your expansion into Indonesia. Be sure to engage a trusted market entry consultant or notary service that is experienced in helping a company like yours establish your legal entity in Indonesia.  

2. Set Up Your Basecamp 

Be sure to get an office space in Central Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat) to be close to the action! Having a business address located in a prestigious office building in the central business district will also boost your company image and increase your company’s credibility in the eyes of customers, suppliers, and potential investors, and potential employees. With the rapid growth of coworking spaces in Jakarta, leasing an office space in the Jakarta CBD area is getting increasingly more affordable. Still prefer to home office? Get a virtual office! With virtual offices, you will still get the perks of a prestigious business but will now have the flexibility to work anywhere.  When you are part of a serviced office, coworking space or virtual office, you will be able to take advantage of their knowledge of the local business scene as well!  

3. Attend Startup Community Events  

Find the time to attend startup community events, seminars, meetups and talks to gain a deeper insight to the local entrepreneurship / startup scene. Take this opportunity to network with other business owners and potential investors too! Many coworking spaces in Jakarta often host these types of events. 

4. Talk to Venture Capital Firms 

If you already have a working business idea or prototype, find an opportunity to talk to VCs and investors that are already active in the Indonesian business scene and get their take on your ideas. Even if you are not interested in getting venture capital funding, every market has its own idiosyncrasies and quirks so it is definitely worth it to share your ideas with people who are already seasoned in the market. Many of the venture capital firms regularly host meetups and events (in person / online) and make an effort to be easily accessible to entrepreneurs.  


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Is it a Good Time to Start a Business in Indonesia | Business Opportunities in Indonesia

2020 has undoubtedly been a difficult year for everyone so far. Before the Covid-19 outbreak, many economic analyst predicted a positive economic growth in Indonesia post-election year. However, would these economic analysts still feel the same way about our economy post-Covid19?   

Warren Buffett once said, “Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful.” Indeed, during a business boom, people tend to scramble around to get a piece of the pie thus inadvertently drive up prices. Business opportunities that would not seem attractive in a normal business environment, can suddenly seem more attractive than it actually is. A downturn or a period of slow growth can in fact be a good time for entrepreneurs to think about the long term plan of their business or even discover and acquire undervalued assets.  However, whether it is a good time to start a business or not depends on an entrepreneur’s business model and risk tolerance.  

Opportunities in the Indonesian Market 

1. Government Supports the Growth of Startups 

As part of President Jokowi’s campaign promise, the Indonesian government is working on “making Indonesia 4.0.” Part of this is supporting the growth of startups. The government also helped create a conducive startup ecosystem through agencies like Bekraf and  attracting organizations such asGK Plug and Play Indonesia The Indonesian government is also working on easing the complicated and time consuming incorporation and business licensing regulations to support the growth of businesses and attract foreign investors.  

2. Rapid Growth in Smartphone Adoption 

In Indonesia, nearly two-thirds of the 264million population owns a smartphone.The rapid growth of smartphone adoption is partly fueled by the entrance of low priced smartphones by brands such as Xiao Mi and Oppo, as well as the relatively affordable (compared to other countries) data rates. This creates a huge platform for innovation in the mobile application space.  

Jakarta, the Capital City of Indonesia, is the Archipelago’s financial and political center (Source: Unsplash)

Jakarta, the Capital City of Indonesia, is the Archipelago’s financial and political center (Source: Unsplash)

3. Large Unbanked and Underbanked population 

Indonesia has an unbanked population of approximately 180 million. This means that there are more people with smartphones than bank accounts in Indonesia. This creates a gap for digital banking solutions to tap into. This is especially true in more rural areas of Indonesia where it might be financially unfeasible to tap into. Digital banking solutions might be the solution to go in the future.  

4. Investors are Actively Looking to Invest in Indonesia 

Many investors, especially Venture Capital funds, are actively looking into investing in home-grown technology startups. Many banks and conglomerate groups have also set up a digital ventures investing arm to facilitate deal sourcing and investments into these innovative startups. There is even an “Indonesia-only” venture capital fund (Intudo Ventures) that concentrate solely on investing in Indonesian Startups. Other Venture Capital funds active in the Indonesia market are East VenturesSkystar CapitalVenturra CapitalMonk’s Hill VenturesMDI Ventures (Telkom), Convergence VenturesGK Plug and Play (accelerator), BRI VenturesCentral Capital Ventura (BCA), Mandiri Capital, and many more! 


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

5 Things Small Business Owners and Startup Founders Should Know

Setting up a business – big or small – is always full of challenges. From hiring to product development and sales, sometimes it is easy to forget about the big picture when you are stuck in your day to day routine. Here are some things small business owners and startup founders should know:  

1. Be in a business you care about 

Do not enter a new business venture purely because of how profitable the business is. Not saying that profits are not important, but in order to make your entrepreneurship journey sustainable, it is important to do something that you inherently passionate about. As an entrepreneur, your business is pretty much going to be your life! Imagine how miserable you would be if you are not working towards a goal or cause you are passionate about! 

2. Ensure your operations are lean!  

You should always remember that the number of staff you have on your payroll is not an indicator of how well your company is doing. To keep operations lean, hire good employees only for essential functions and establish accountabilities and responsibilities for each staff. Whenever possible and financially feasible to do so, outsource non-essential functions and have your internal team supervise these functions. Do not forget to invest in software and technologies to help you manage your day to day operations and help your team be as productive as possible. In Indonesia, there are currently many options pay-per-use software that are tailored especially for small business operations --  

3. Set Up Your Business Entity Early 

Some small businesses often delay setting up their business entities (PT) thinking that it is not required right now or thinking that their business is way too small for it. As it turns out, setting up a limited liability company or Perseroan Terbatas (PT) in Indonesia is actually not that expensive; it is possible to set up your Perseroan Terbatas (PT) in Indonesia for less than Rp 10,000,000. Benefits of having a PT include limited liabilities and recourse, easier access to capital, and access to larger projects and contracts. Running your business with a legal entity (PT) projects an image of credibility to investors, lenders, clients, and suppliers.  

4. Set Up a Proper “Basecamp”

Having a comfortable and productive office is very important to maintain your team morale.  Coworking spaces and serviced offices Jakarta are increasingly becoming the office type of choice for many small businesses and startups. Although the rent cost per m2 is higher, but coworking spaces and serviced offices provide many benefits for small businesses – such as fully furnished offices, reduced headcount, community and more. When you rent an office in a coworking space or serviced office, you do not need to invest precious time and energy in setting up your office (procuring furniture, setting up wifi etc) and no longer have to hire support staff such as office manager, receptionist and office boy (reduced headcount!). If you still prefer to work in your home office, do get a virtual office with a prestigious office address in the CBD to increase your company’s credibility. The good news is, virtual office plans are very affordable; Virtual Office plans in Jakarta CBD can start from as low as RP 400,000/month! 

5. Find Your Community 

Do find the time to attend meetups, seminars, and professional networking events to find your entrepreneur community. Many coworking spaces all over Jakarta host many of these events, thus making it a great place to meet like-minded individuals. You can also seek solace in knowing that there is a community of entrepreneurs facing the same challenges as you!  


Coworking Spaces are a great place to meet like minded entrepreneurs! (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Coworking Spaces are a great place to meet like minded entrepreneurs! (Source: Avenue8 Offices)


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more. 

Best Coworking Space Jakarta Indonesia | Why You Should Choose Avenue8 Offices

Following the explosive growth of startups in the past few years, the number of coworking spaces in Jakarta have also grown exponentially. You might be spoilt for choice when trying to pick the best coworking space for your company. Fret not, we are here to help! Here are some reasons why Avenue8 is the best coworking space for you in Jakarta:  

1. Cozy Workspaces

When designing Avenue8, we made it our mission to create a workspace that is cozy yet professional. A cozy work environment can help you feel more relaxed and less uptight, and thus in turn help you be more productive. Don’t believe us? Even our friends Wonderful Indonesia and Pegipegi think so too! 

Cozy Workspace with a Concierge @ Avenue8 Offices (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Cozy Workspace with a Concierge @ Avenue8 Offices (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

2. Trendy a.k.a “Kekinian”  

When we were designing Avenue8, we also made it a point to create a workspace that is trendy enough for startups but not too trendy for traditional businesses. We used a combination of minimalistic Scandinavian design and Indonesian wooden elements to achieve this effect. This results in an eclectic mix of tenants and members and members in Avenue8. Don’t believe us? Our friends at listed us as one of the trendiest coworking spaces in Jakarta

3. Affordable & Great Value for Money

It is also our mission to make Avenue8 as competitive as possible in order to survive in this tight market. We even offer additional services that are not typically offered by coworking spaces in Jakarta, such as Concierge Service, free printing, and more. Don’t believe us? named Avenue8 the Top 5 Most Affordable Coworking Spaces to Host Meeting 

4. A Coworking Space that You Must Try!

As the first service-oriented coworking space in Jakarta, we offer an experience that is slightly different from other coworking spaces in Jakarta. For us, it is our upmost priority to keep all of our member happy; we take a client-focused approach in everything we do, making Avenue8 Offices a coworking space you must try! Here’s the list of people who think so too: Jakarta PostTrentechMimeRukitaBinus 

Still not convinced? Drop us a message to know more about us. Or better yet, schedule an office tour at your convenience!  


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more.

Working at a Coworking Space | Guidelines

Despite the many advantages of coworking, it is undeniable that sharing an office suite with your coworkers and sharing the office with other companies can get stressful too.  Here are some guidelines to live by to make your coworking experience a more positive one (and to help your coworkers like you better!)  

1. Be mindful of your noise levels  

Some people get easily distracted by noise, while some others thrive with a little bit of background noise. However, as a general guideline, try to keep your noise levels as low as possible in the presence of other cowork-ers. Take advantage of the many amenities provided by your coworking space to help make this happen. For instance, use the phone booths when taking private calls or conference calls and using the meeting rooms when you need to discuss with your colleagues.  

2. Be friendly and interact with your neighbors! 

Companies who choose coworking spaces over any other office types usually have a desire to interact with other companies. In the spirit of maintaining the collegial environment in coworking spaces, socializing is highly encouraged at Coworking Spaces! Smile at your cowork-ers when you see them at the hallways, get to know more about their business, and make a friend or two! 

3. Maintain Cleanliness  

Be sure to maintain a clean and organized workspace at all times!  This is especially true if you are sharing a private office with other colleagues. A clean and organized workspace will help make your private office feels more spacious and create a more calm and conducive working environment.  

4. Be Respectful of Shared Spaces 

For some of us, we can get so comfortable in our coworking space that we forget that we are sharing the space with other members. When using shared spaces, always be mindful of other members and always take good care of shared properties and amenities. This means maintaining cleanliness of shared spaces, being courteous to other members, and not dominating or monopolizing any of the shared spaces.  

Shared workspaces are a great place to socialize with your Cowork-ers  (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

Shared workspaces are a great place to socialize with your Cowork-ers (Source: Avenue8 Offices)

5. Avoid Confrontation 

Whenever you run into any problems involving your cowork-ers, avoid confrontation at all cost! Instead, talk to you community manager / hub manager about it and have them mediate any conflicts you have with any cowork-ers. Always remember --  in addition to running the day to day operations of your coworking space, it is also your community manager / hub manager’s responsibility to ensure that all members feel comfortable and productive while working at their coworking space


Do you still have more questions about the benefits of Coworking? Drop us a message today to know more about how we can help your business. 


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more.

Networking Groups for Female Entrepreneurs and Professionals in Indonesia | Women in Business Indonesia

“You are not a female entrepreneur; you are just an entrepreneur!” As a women-run business, we are strongly against using the “female entrepreneur” label because we feel that this term creates inherent division. Although we are a strong believer of not using the “female entrepreneur” label, but we have to admit it always feels great to network and get inspired by some Girl Power energy from time to time. It is always nice to be around a group of people who understand the struggles of being a minority group in the harsh business world. If you are looking to join a Female Entrepreneur or Women in Business networking group, here are some great organizations you should check out (in no particular order): is a platform that focuses on aspiring young women to network, empower, and grow together. Some of’s past events include talks and sharing sessions such as “Women with Ambition,” “Career Anxiety and Impostor Syndrome” and “Conquering Your Quarter Life Crisis” featuring prominent women in the business world. The founders of also launched a podcast channel (INSIGHT by  where they discuss about the different issues faced by women on a daily basis. Want to know more about Check out their Instagram page! 



Womenwill is a Google Initiative to create economic opportunities for women everywhere, so that they can grow and succeed. Womenwill helps women make the most their technology to build skills, get inspired, and connect with each other through trainings, events, and advocacy. They provide opportunities for female entrepreneurs and women in business to connect with a community of women business owners, get inspired, and improve their digital skills. Womenwill also collaborates with Gapura Digital (another Google Initiative) to provide a free training program to help female entrepreneurs take advantage of digital tools (Google Ads, Google My Business page, Content Marketing etc), to grow their business. Womenwill’s past events include “Media Sosial untuk Usaha Anda,” and “ Female Entrepreneur Success Stories” Want to know more about Womenwill? Check out their Website!   

Womenwill hosts regular events to help businesses be more digitally savvy (Source: Grid)

Womenwill hosts regular events to help businesses be more digitally savvy (Source: Grid)

Wanita Wirausaha Femina (Wanwir Femina)  

Established in 2007, Waninta Wirausaha Femina or more commonly known as Wanwir Femina is a division of the famous Femina Magazine. Wanwir Femina offers education, networking opportunities and mentoring for female entrepreneurs. Wanwir Femina hosted seminars, workshops, masterclasses, and business trips that are aimed to help women to be more well-equipped in facing the tough business world and help them stay relevant. Want to know more about Wanwir Femina? Check out their WebsiteFacebook and Instagram page!   

Wise Women Masterclass Jakarta hosted by WanWir Femina (Source: Wanita Wirausaha Femina Facebook)

Wise Women Masterclass Jakarta hosted by WanWir Femina (Source: Wanita Wirausaha Femina Facebook)

Jakarta Fabulous Working Ladies 

Jakarta Fabulous Working Ladies is a networking group for professional working women hosted by What’s New Jakarta.  This networking group consists of professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers and is aimed at helping women gain more knowledge and remain updated in the latest happenings in Jakarta lifestyle, health, beauty, social networking events, and more! Past events include Female Founder Forums featuring many inspiring women entrepreneurs. Want to know more about Jakarta Fabulous Working Ladies? Check out their Meetup page for the latest updates! 


Know other networking groups for female entrepreneurs and professionals? Drop us a message!  


Experience The Avenue8 Advantage today. Contact us for any Private Office, Coworking Space, Virtual Office, Meeting Room, and Event Space inquiries.  

As featured on: The Jakarta PostDaily SocialDetikTech in Asia, and more.